About Us
A Beautiful Klue bases its beliefs on the koncepts centered around our klients needs. By prioritizing areas necessary for immediate assessment, it lends more room to address the desires of the klient in reference to visual expektations. Our entire team is kommitted to exceeding those intial needs while furthering the process by rekommending additional services for enhancement. As a result of our expertise in produkt knowledge, edukational benefaktors for maintenance beyond the salon experience, and outstanding kustomer service, a high percentage of our business is from repeat kustomers and referrals.
We would welkome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver the best service in the industry.
Location: 3240 South Cobb Dr.
Bldg. 850 Suite #217
Smyrna, GA 30080
Monday: 9:30 AM-2:30PM
Tuesday: 9:30AM-2:30PM
Wednesday: 9:30AM-2:30PM
Thursday: 9:30AM-6:00PM
Friday: 9:30AM-6:00PM
Saturdays: 8:00AM-12Noon
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