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Beautiful Service Checkout

Hello Beautiful! We are now offering the latest in technology to keep you on the move. Our intent is to give you an optional method of payment for service(s) rendered that is efficient and effective in today's busy world.

Below you will find a list of services that koincide with all the services we offer. After scheduling your appointment and receiving konfirmation, choose your intended services and place in the cart. You will then be redirected to the PayPal website. If there are other services you need to add, remember to click on CONTINUESHOPPING or it will not add them. When everything lines up with the services you have scheduled, check out.

If you would like to add a tip to your service(s), scroll down and you will find an optional tip area.

This method of payment is easy and very user friendly. If you are unsure or need assistance, please do not hesitate to call or email for assistance.

Please Read!

The below listed prices are NOT APPLICABLE, as our website is currently going through an overhaul to bring an even more inviting informational space to navigate. AGAIN, the pricing below is OUTDATED and not reflective of new service pricing as of 2018.

Shampoo Trim and Style

Dusting of the ends

Shampoo Basic Kut and Style

Simple Layers, Short Basic Kuts, Simple Bobs(i.e. basic inverted, chinese, layered)

Shampoo Deep Konditioner and Style

Heat penetrated infusion of moisture and essential ingredients to revive lack luster hair due to environmental elements.

Shampoo Treatment and Style

Steam treated, heat penetrated and/or silkened infusion of essential ingredients and formulas to treat specific konditioners related on an individual basis. These inklude but are not limited to dry scalp, exklusionary protein, mild cases of hair thinning, khemical overprocessing, and kolor korrection.

Designer Kut*

These kuts are based on your vision derived from an illustration (i.e. Rhianna, Monica, Cassidy). These kut are a lot more detailed and intrikate which solidifies the angles as designer and not basic.

Partial Relaxer

Relaxer application to the nape area, front, and sides.

Virgin Relaxer

Hair that has not been khemically treated ever or within 4 or 5 months. For the latter, if the hair has not been relaxed over a certain period of time, more new growth exists; therefore, the application process varies and more product is necessary for the best results.