Keisha's Klient Beauty Bash 3.21.09
The Beautiful Set Up
Wine Station
Sweet Bar
Kreative Katering

Keisha's Klient Beauty Bash 3.21.09
On the Red Karpet

Keisha's Klient Beauty Bash 3.21.09
Let the Beauty Begin by Mingling

Beautiful Brigade: Fashion Showkase

Entrikate Entertainment
Soulful Sounds + Poetic Portions = A Groove

SInger Joshua Hubert
The song of the evening..."You Are So Beautiful"
Inspirational Speaker/Poet
Reciting two original pieces..."The Countdown" and her interpretation of finding "LOVE"

ML WIll of Jackson, MS singing one of his orignal pieces "Ready for Love" and giving us a sample of his newest work.

DJ Chevy and Kompany
Keeping the krowd grooving
Kaptured Konnections
Kascading thru the krowd

The Konklusion

Klient Maria and Stylist Keisha

Beautiful Klue
Stylist Assistant/Event Koordinator Alicia and Master Stylist Keisha

The Krew
Stylist Angela, Stylist/Masseuse Kerry, Stylist Keisha and Stylist Marcel
Beautiful Support
Beyond Stylists...Beautiful Friends

Tracy Nicole and her sister, Torrie
Tracy Nicole Boutique

Handsome/ Beautiful Klue Supporters
Travis and Torrie
NFL Players Kenny and David Irons along with teammate

The Cake!
Thank You to ALL of YOU!!! Stay Beautiful