Former Beautiful Klue Apprentice Shari James
Georgia State Board of Cosmetology Licensed Master Stylist as of November 2011 Kongratulations Beautiful!
Dear Keisha and Beautiful Klue Family, This journey has not only been the most challenging but the most gratifying experience I have had to date! Can you believe 18 months has past? Well it has come and gone too fast but has left many great memories that will forever be in my heart. I want to first and foremost thank Keisha Trammell for being a teacher, mentor, sister, mother, and friend to me throughout my apprenticeship and for many years to come. You taught me that skill and passion is what makes a great stylist and business woman. You encouraged me to be my own person and taught me the true meaning of professionalism. "Productive is as Productive does," a quote said many times by Keisha that I will allow to define my work ethic in moving forward in my career. "Image is Everything" another quote I've heard many times and it simply means that you must represent your brand in a positive way at all times. Through the challenging moments I learned who I am and ways to improve and become who I ultimately want to be. It doesn't matter where you started just where you finish. So looking back to my first day with Beautiful Klue and fast forwarding to this present moment I can happily say I am an official licensed master stylist.The tests I had to past isn't what I will remember the most it is the journey it took to even get that opportunity that makes it worth while. To the supportive, inspiring, encouraging, gorgeous Beautiful Klue family I say thank you, thank you, thank you! You guys trusted me and sometimes had more trust in me than I had in myself. It was a pleasure meeting you all and I feel blessed to have been mentored by some of you and blessed to have a opportunity to mentor to you as well. You all were able to view my journey from another point of view and I wouldn't have made it without each and everyone of you. So to Beautiful Klue as a whole I say thank you for playing a part in setting the standard and being an example for myself and other women you might not know is watching. Your time,words, laughs, and hugs are truly appreciated! Now it is my responsibility to continue to learn, grow, and define success for myself, not only because I know I deserve it but I owe it to everyone that took the time to care and help me along the way. So this is not goodbye but see you all later. Its my time to shine ,watch me GLOW! xoxo -Shari-