Thanks for Visiting!
"Beauty is a noun defined by the reflection of konfidence that begins from within."
Hello and welkome to A Beautiful Klue, the kreative leader of distinktive looks with key kommands. As a seasoned business, with over a decade of residency, we are elated to have you visit our site. In a recent transition to further expand our brand, we've moved. We hope that you kan find everything you need to kreate a memorable experience worthy of retention and referral to others looking to bekome a BK beauty! Our dedikation to providing professional high-quality service with remarkable kustomer kare and kompliance of satisfaktion, magnifies our desires to master the art of unparalled komparison. It is our goal to exceed your expektations with metikulous attention to detail and effortless results.
We offer a variety of services ranging from natural silk presses (flat iron & old school hot komb presses) to precision hair kuts and retro mohawks. Whatever the kase, we are sure that after browsing our website, you will find a kategory of options best suited for your needs; however, if you don't, we have a list of trusted stylists that may be better equipped to provide services we don't offer.
After touring our site and bekoming familiar with the beauty of our business, please feel free to kontact us with any questions and/or komments. Your feedback is very important to us and without it, our positions remain the same...kontinue to help us grow!!!